Power quality tests with registration of switching time the load bank station

Power Quality is a group of values characterizing the power supply, which is a prerequisite for ensuring the proper operation of electrical powered devices. Values referred to are the physical parameters associated with voltage, ie the effective frequency distortion factor THD, harmonics, etc.

Permissible voltage parameter values defined in the Regulation of the Minister of Economy from May 4, 2007. on the specific operating conditions of the power system based on the PN-EN 50160. These limits are referred to as a percentile of 95% for a period of seven days calculated from the average of 10 minutes (except for the frequency and THD). This means that the evaluation of the quality of supplied electricity is taken the average value of the parameter at the time of 10 minutes calculated with the instantaneous values (1 period), and not the instantaneous value. In practice, this means that the web allows the occurrence of short-term interference (of the order of several to several hundred milliseconds), and failure to meet the quality standards of energy in the event of a certain volume of up to 5% of the time a week which is more than 8 hours.

The subject of control power quality parameters include frequency, value fluctuations and spikes, power outage, voltage transients (appearing momentarily when turning and breaking the transmission network elements), voltage unbalance, harmonics and interharmonics for voltage and current, voltage signal applied to the power supply and rapid voltage changes.

Failure to comply with regulations set out in the ranges of values for parameters of electricity supplied to customers may cause interference with proper work of powered units Often it is possible to observe physical and chemical phenomena resulting from the interference. Examples include.

  • flicker light sources;
  • disorder in the work of the electrical drives, which may affect the conduct of the technical processes -damage or shut down the receiver sensitive to changes of parameters of power;
  • damage or disable the receivers are sensitive to changes in power.

Unstable electrical and electronic equipment, noticeable because of such their increased noise, overheating, excessive vibration or unplanned shutdowns, is a source of loss resulting from premature wear and tear and noise processes in which they are involved.

The most important effects that should be eliminated from the network are not visible to the naked eye. These phenomena are caused mainly by the deformation of the current and voltage, which is generated by non-linear loads such as inverters, gas discharge lamps, UPS, computers, receivers restless and many other devices. Distorted current flow causes a number of adverse developments in the network, including:

  • Increase RMS current, resulting in increased losses in transmission components such as cables and transformers, and can cause thermal tripping due to overheating.
  • Additional losses in the transformer core by the generation of eddy currents from current harmonics and increased conduction losses due to the skin effect. For example, at a strain THDI = 35% losses in the transformer are doubled.
  • Additional losses in induction motors by the appearance of eddy currents of harmonic currents , the appearance of voltage harmonics of the same order of the active power losses.
  • Overheating of the neutral conductor insulation - typical for supply to the computer networks, three phase, where the N cable is not oversized.
  • Accelerated degradation of cable insulation, motor and transformer windings, as a result of the stress caused by the increased operating temperature as a result of the skin effect. For large deformations life span may decrease by several times.
  • Calling deflection voltage distribution components, mainly transformers, which causes additional deformation and flow of current through the linear elements.
  • High voltage distortion cause interference with electronic devices, or electronically, such as damage to the inverter due to synchronization errors.
  • Overloading capacitive elements, such as batteries and capacitors in the intermediate circuit current flow due to additional capacitive currents of higher harmonics.

All these effects are related to energy costs or expenses prior replacement of components and hence power outages.

For users, for whom energy efficiency and supply security devices are important ( Data Centers) measurements is indeed essential. Conduct a qualit audit of energy allows to determine abnormalities and threats, an indication of improperly operating elements, such as reactive power compensation, as well as to develop a program of activities that will improve the situation.

In Data Center’s systems an important issue that is subjected to this test and verification is the correct order and set parameters used in power infrastructure. Measurement and verification allows to specify the correctness of switching sequence of the various components of the system after power loss and check if it does not threatens power supply in the server chamber.

Measurements of network parameters are performed with portable power quality analyzers that allow non-invasive connection to switchgear. In this way the measurements are not felt by the company, as there is no need for any power breaks.

For the measurements we use, available for rental , network parameter analyzer Fluke 430 series designed for continuous measurement, analysis, and recording parameters of electricity in circuits single and three-phase supply and electrical equipment.

Length of measurement is dependent on the purpose in which they are carried out, however, to obtain a full picture usually measurements are made weekly. After the measurements are done all data recorded in the measurement data analyzers are processed and analyzed. Based on this will be developed analysis together with comments and recommendations, which in form of a report receives ordering subject.

Our services include:

  • Rental equipment;
  • Performance measurements;
  • The development results of the transfer of the recommendations for the implementation;
  • 24-hour 7-week technical support together with the service operator.
Administratorem Państwa danych osobowych zebranych w trakcie korespondencji z wykorzystaniem formularza kontaktowego jest Loadbanks Sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Warszawie 02–495, przy ul. Żołnierzy 2 Armii Wojska Polskiego 3, wpisana do rejestru przedsiębiorców pod numerem NIP 5223130914, e-mail: office@loadbanks.pl. Dane osobowe mogą być przetwarzane w celach: realizacji czynności przed zawarciem umowy lub realizacji umowy, przedstawienia oferty handlowej, odpowiedzi na Państwa pytania – w zależności od treści Państwa wiadomości. Podstawą przetwarzania danych osobowych jest artykuł 6 ust. 1 lit. b Rozporządzenia Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) 2016/679 z dnia 27 kwietnia 2016 roku w sprawie ochrony osób fizycznych w związku z przetwarzaniem danych osobowych i w sprawie swobodnego przepływu takich danych (RODO), tj. realizacja umowy lub podjęcie czynności przed zawarciem umowy, artykuł 6 ust. 1 lit. a RODO, tj. Państwa zgoda, artykuł 6 ust. 1 lit. f, tj. prawnie uzasadniony interes administratora – chęć odpowiedzi na Państwa pytania i wątpliwości. Dane osobowe będą przetwarzane przez okres niezbędny do realizacji celu przetwarzania określonego w ust. 3 powyżej, tj. do zawarcia umowy, przedstawienia oferty handlowej, udzielenia odpowiedzi na Państwa pytania lub wątpliwości i mogą być przechowywane do upływu okresu realizacji umowy i przedawnienia roszczeń z umowy. Osoba, której dane osobowe są przetwarzane ma prawo dostępu do danych, ich sprostowania, usunięcia, ograniczenia przetwarzania, wniesienia sprzeciwu wobec przetwarzania oraz prawo do przenoszenia danych osobowych, z zastrzeżeniem, że prawo do przenoszenia danych osobowych dotyczy wyłącznie danych przetwarzanych w sposób wyłącznie zautomatyzowany. Osoba, której dane osobowe są przetwarzane na podstawie zgody, ma prawo do jej odwołania w każdym czasie, bez uszczerbku dla przetwarzania danych osobowych przed odwołaniem zgody. Osoba, której dane osobowe są przetwarzane ma prawo wniesienia skargi do właściwego organu nadzorczego. Podanie danych osobowych jest dobrowolne, jednak brak ich podania spowoduje niemożność realizacji umowy, podjęcia czynności przed zawarciem umowy, przedstawienia oferty handlowej, odpowiedzi na pytania lub wątpliwości.